Plains of Fantasy

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Porn / Erotica
Porn / Erotica
Virtual reality
Virtual reality
Plains of Fantasy
Author(s) Paul Swift
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 2007
Authoring system ADRIFT 3.9
Platform(s) ADRIFT 3.9
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Polite

How It Begins

You are a hero, not just any hero but the king of heroes. You are the most heroic of all heroes that have ever heroed. You have had to make many a sacrifice to attain such greatness, but it has all been worth it. The gold you have discovered, the dragons you have slayed and the princesses you have rescued make everything you have gone without all the more worthwhile. The land for as far as the eye can see belongs to you, it is your domain.

Unfortunately the eye can only see as far as ten feet in any direction and your dominion is restricted only to the rooms of the house that are underground, namely the basement. This was the first sacrifice you made in the quest to become the greatest hero of all time. It was the greatest sacrifice a hero could ever make, you had to make a decision whether to become a bleating sheep and go off into the big wide world, or dedicate your life to good. You chose the latter and decided to continue living with your mom.

Its not like you actually live with her though, you have your own place down here and you like to think that she is actually living with you. But it is a small price to pay for all the good you do. With every digitally encoded bit of good performed by your questing your legend grows and your character becomes ever more powerful. Some would say that legend is even more important than power but you have plenty of each in the online world of Plains of Fantasy™.

Notable Features

  • Half the game takes place in an online gaming environment where you control an avatar not the player character.
  • During the online gaming portion of the game there is an emotion system that not only effects your character but the characters around him.

Trivia and Comments

  • This game is actually called Plains of Fantasy but for some unknown reason it has become known as Plains of Passion.


Mini-comp entry

  • Plains of Fantasy (Paul Swift; 14-May-2007; ADRIFT 3.9).
    • IFID: ADRIFT-390-626384428246E594DA32E222507938B6
      IFID links: IFDB
    • 2007 AIF Mini-comp: 8th place of 12 entries.
      Plains of Fantasy ranked 8th in Concept, Characters, and Enjoyment; 9th in Technical; and 10th in Writing and Sex.
    • Erins 2007: Placed 3rd for Best Humor.

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