
From IFWiki

A cheat-sheet list of commands you can type to do things in IFMud. Probably only helpful for Newbies in the first few days....

Communicating with others

Talk to the world with "say". Type in:

  say "what's up daddyO?"

Message or page someone privately , use "p username = message." For example, type in:

  page anjchang = Your wiki page is not useful! 

Act out something using emote. Type in:

  emote waves.


Join channel #newbie

 @joinchannel #newbie

Read channel for newcomers (or else Olly will keep bugging you)...

  l channels for newcomers


  l cfn

Club Floyd

In order to play the weekly game at clubfloyd, you have to subscribe and then go to the toyshop. When you expect there will be a game, you type:

  @join #ClubFloyd


Check mail


Bulletin Boards

Check mail on a bulletin board using "bb #channel"

  bb #newbie

You can get more help from 'help bb'.

Other VERY useful howto links ifMud for Beginners by Jacqueline is a great resource, and seems to be the most comprehensive.  Check out how to set up your flags here. ifMudWiki talks about @poll and @doing  general FAQs about Interactive Fiction