IFWiki:Software without infoboxes

From IFWiki

This page contains a list of software pages which have not yet had a software infobox added. To add the infobox, go to the page and click "Edit with form". The infobox information will automatically be added to the software database.

(For software that isn't even on the wiki yet, you can add a page, with the infobox, using Form:Software.)

For inspiration, see a page with the infobox, for example Parchment.

Ignore the few pages that don't seem to belong in the lists!

There is also some software listed at Engine List which is not yet in the database.

Interpreters Authoring systems Utilities
  • All done, thanks!
  1. Authoring system
  2. A-code (Level 9)
  3. Level 9
  4. AAS
  5. ADRIFT Generator
  6. Adventure Creation Environment
  7. Adventure Maker
  8. Amzi! IF Toolkit
  9. BTZ
  10. C Adventure Toolkit
  11. CircumReality
  12. CNCS
  13. Curveship
  14. DAAD
  15. E-ZIL
  16. Erasmatron
  17. Floyd (language)
  18. User:Zzo38/FORTAVM
  19. Gamefic
  20. Gamescape
  21. Gesaku
  22. GINAS
  23. IAGE
  24. If sharp
  25. IFML
  26. Inform
  27. InformATE
  28. Livrant
  29. M.A.C.
  30. MDL
  31. NMP
  32. OASYS
  33. Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine
  34. Olitext
  35. P2pmud
  36. PX/IF
  37. Python
  38. Qiaobooks
  39. Quest 4
  40. R.A.G.S.
  41. Rexx-Adventure
  42. Robico Engine
  43. Scott Adams database
  44. SINTAC
  45. Swat
  46. T/SAL
  47. TAME
  48. The Adventure Generator
  49. Trellis
  50. Unity
  51. Visionary
  52. Visionary Interactive Editor
  53. Visual SINTAC
  54. Yarn
  55. Z3r0 C00L
  56. ZIL
  • All done, thanks!

And these pages do have the new infobox - thank you.

Interpreters Authoring systems Utilities
  1. ADRIFT Runner
  2. ADRIFT WebRunner
  3. AdvSys
  4. AGE
  5. AGiliTy
  6. Aimfiz
  7. Alan
  8. AndroidIF
  9. AScape
  10. Ashminster
  11. Bisquixe
  12. Bocfel
  13. Bunyon
  14. CellarDoor
  15. CliFrotz
  16. CocoaTADS
  17. Cugel
  18. Discourse Frotz
  19. DMagnetic
  20. DreamPath
  21. ElseIFPlayer
  22. Emglken
  23. Emuera
  24. Eramaker
  25. Fabularium
  26. Fabularium (F-Droid)
  27. Filfre
  28. Fizmo
  29. Flashonate
  30. Flaxo
  31. FrankenDrift
  32. FrobTADS
  33. Frotz
  34. Frotz for iOS
  35. FrOz
  36. Fweep
  37. FyreVM-dotnet
  38. FyreVM-web
  39. GAME4.0
  40. Gargoyle
  41. Geas
  42. Gelek
  43. Gelek Vanilla
  44. Git
  45. Glulx-typescript
  46. Glulxe
  47. GLUZMA
  48. Gnusto
  49. Graphic Adventure Creator
  50. HTML TADS (Interpreter)
  51. Hugo
  52. HugoJS
  53. Hugor
  54. Hunky Punk
  55. IfSpace.net
  56. Ifvms.js
  57. Incant
  58. Infuse
  59. Insteadlauncher
  60. JAsea
  61. Jetty
  62. JFrotz
  63. JSZM
  64. Jzip
  65. Leaflet
  66. Lectrote
  67. Level9
  68. M3ZVM
  69. M4ZVM
  70. MacArun
  71. Magnetic
  72. Magnetic for Amiga
  73. Magnetic for Debian
  74. Magnetic for DOS
  75. Magnetic for Ubuntu
  76. Magnetic for Windows
  77. Magnetic Scripts
  78. MagnetiX
  79. MaxZip
  80. Mjr-T3
  81. Nitfol
  82. Ozmoo
  83. Parchmap
  84. Parchment
  85. PAW
  86. PSZM
  87. QTads
  88. Quest for Web
  89. Quest for Windows
  90. Quixe
  91. Rezrov
  92. SCARE
  93. ScottFree
  94. ScummVM
  95. Spatterlight
  96. Strand
  97. SWAN
  98. TADS 2
  99. Taylormade
  100. Text Fiction
  101. The Quill
  102. ThinBASIC Adventure Builder
  103. Thunderword
  104. Twisty
  105. Vezza
  106. Viola
  107. WinArun
  108. Windows Frotz
  109. Windows Frotz 2002
  110. Windows Git
  111. Windows Glulxe
  112. XTads
  113. XZip
  114. Zag
  115. Zawk
  116. Zax
  117. ZLR
  118. ZMPP
  119. ZoIP
  120. Zoom
  121. Zork Machine Interpreter and Debugger
  122. ZPlet
  123. ZXZVM
  1. 6 day
  2. A-code (Dave Platt)
  3. ADLAN
  5. Adventure Book
  6. Adventure Prompt
  7. Adventurescape
  8. Adventuron
  9. AdvSys
  10. AGE
  11. AGT
  12. Alan
  13. Archetype
  14. Ashminster
  15. AXMA Story Maker
  16. Balladeer
  17. Binksi
  18. Borogove
  19. ChoiceScript
  20. Creative Adventure Toolkit
  21. Curveship-js
  22. Curveship-py
  23. Dendry
  24. Dialog
  25. Donjon FI
  26. DreamPath
  27. Eamon
  28. Elm Story
  29. Eramaker
  30. Escenadil
  31. Evergreen.ink
  32. Folia
  33. FRISE
  34. FrobTADS
  35. Frolg
  36. GAGS
  37. GAME4.0
  38. Graphic Adventure Creator
  39. Gruescript
  40. Hatrack II
  41. Hugo
  42. Hypedyn
  43. IF Framework
  44. Iffinity
  45. IfSpace.net
  46. Inform 6
  47. Inform 7
  48. Ink
  49. Inklewriter
  51. JACL
  52. Jade
  53. Jadis
  54. Jumbo Grove
  55. Mini-Adventure
  56. Moiki
  57. NgPAWS
  58. Adventure Builder System
  59. PAW
  60. PICO-8
  61. PunyInform
  62. QML
  63. QSP
  64. Quest (Language)
  65. The Quill
  66. Ramus
  67. Ren'Py
  68. Rez
  69. SAL
  70. Salet
  71. Seltani
  72. Smash
  73. Squiffy
  74. STAC
  75. StoryHarp
  76. StoryNexus
  77. Strand
  78. SUDS
  79. Superglús
  80. SWAN
  81. T.A.G.
  82. TADS 2
  83. TADS 3
  84. Tale
  85. TAVERN
  86. Textallion
  87. Texture
  88. ThinBASIC Adventure Builder
  89. Twine
  90. Undum
  91. URQ
  92. Varytale
  93. Versificator
  94. Versu
  95. Windrift
  96. WinPAW
  97. Zasm
  1. Alex (bot)
  2. Babel (utility)
  3. Bas2inf
  4. Berzio
  5. Cornerstone
  6. Esclinux
  7. Floyd (bot)
  8. Frolg
  9. Glulx-strings
  10. GUEmap
  11. Guncho
  12. IF D-pad
  13. IF Name Generator
  14. IFM
  15. IFMapper
  16. MUD Map
  17. Puddle BuildTools for PunyInform
  18. Raconteur
  19. Rebot
  20. Slackifpy
  21. Taf2inf
  22. Transmatte
  23. Trizbort
  24. Trizbort.io
  25. UnZ
  26. Vbccz
  27. Yomin
  28. Zasm
  29. ZDevtools
  30. Zilch
  31. ZILF
  32. ZOS
  33. Ztools