The Relentless Adventures of Captain Speedo Episode 42 - So Long, and Thanks for All the Books

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The Relentless Adventures of
Captain Speedo
Episode 42 - So Long, and Thanks for All the Books
This was made by Gilles "LoneCleric" Duchesne for SpeedIF DNA. It took 4 hours and a half, and got past the deadline, in true Douglas Adams' style. Distribute freely - at your own risk.

The Relentless Adventures of Captain Speedo Episode 42 - So Long, and Thanks for All the Books
Author(s) Gilles Duchesne
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 2001
Authoring system Hugo
Platform(s) Hugo
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

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Speed-IF release


General info



Captain Speedo series by Gilles Duchesne
The Relentless Adventures of Captain Speedo Episode 14 - Victim of the Vacuum! (2001)
The Relentless Adventures of Captain Speedo Episode 16 - Let them "heat" cake! (2001)
The Relentless Adventures of Captain Speedo Episode 42 - So Long, and Thanks for All the Books (2001)
The Relentless Adventures of Captain Speedo Episode 112 - Alert on Aleph V! (2001)
Captain Speedo - The New Generation SERIES PREMIERE : Missed by a hair - but not forgotten! (2001)


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