IFTF Service Birthdays
From IFWiki
- IF Archive: Nov 24, 1992 https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.int-fiction/c/FHYNfBZn0zU/m/IV0QfMhk8lkJ (next milestone: 35th, in 2027)
- IFComp: It’s actually not clear which date to choose. The idea slowly coalesced starting in May 1995. (next milestone: 30th, in 2025)
- Voting begins: Sep 1, 1995 https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.int-fiction/c/Yl_sc-SHm5M/m/LK1AwIxCcaoJ
- Voting deadline: Sep 30, 1995 (see above)
- Winners announced: Oct 4, 1995 https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.int-fiction/c/l77A8c-sLvA/m/oKWoWQ_H8lEJ
- IFWiki: Dec 28 2004 https://www.ifwiki.org/index.php?title=IFWiki:About&oldid=4. David Cornelson said on Slack that the "About page" creation date should be the birthdate. "I’m fairly certain that’s the very first thing I did before publicizing it." (next milestone: 20th, in 2024)
- Forum: Aug 7, 2006 https://intfiction.org/t/welcome/52 1 (next milestone: 20th, in 2026)
- IFDB: Oct 16, 2007 https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.int-fiction/c/gWzJNsXPAlc#898ac2a74eeebe07 (next milestone: 20th, in 2027)