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This is for the Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album page content (not the infobox).
'''Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album''' is a collection of works of interactive fiction created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of the [ They Might Be Giants] album ''Apollo 18''. The project was organized by [[Kevin Jackson-Mead]], who announced it on his blog in December 2011. Interested participants emailed him to sign up to make a game based on one of the album's 38 tracks. ==Games== 38 games were released on March 26th, 2012. The "Fingertips" games are "one-turn" games. The order presented here is the track order of the ''Apollo 18'' album. # ''[[Dig My Grave]]'' ([[Ryan Veeder]]; Z-code). # ''[[I Palindrome I]]'' ([[Nick Montfort]]; JavaScript; Web browser). # ''[[She's Actual Size]]'' ([[Jake Eakle]]; Glulx). # ''[[My Evil Twin]]'' ([[Carl Muckenhoupt]]; Z-code). # ''[[Mammal]]'' ([[Joey Jones]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[The Statue Got Me High]]'' ([[Ryan Veeder]]; Z-code). # ''[[Spider]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]]; Z-code). # ''[[The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight)]]'' ([[Jason B. Alonso]], [[Catherine Havasi]], and [[Val Grimm]]; Z-code). # ''[[Dinner Bell]]'' ([[Jenni Polodna]]; Z-code). # ''[[Narrow Your Eyes]]'' ([[Ben Collins-Sussman]] and [[Jack Welch]]; Glulx). # ''[[Hall of Heads]]'' ([[Dan Efran]] with [['Becca Stallings]]; Z-code). # ''[[Which Describes How You're Feeling]]'' ([[Adam Parrish]]; Glulx). # ''[[See the Constellation]]'' ([[Ed Blair]]; Z-code). # ''[[If I Wasn't Shy]]'' ([[Joey Jones]]; Z-code 8). # ''[[Turn Around]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]]; Glulx). # ''[[Hypnotist of Ladies]]'' ([[David Cornelson]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: Everything Is Catching On Fire]]'' ([[E. Joyce]]; Z-code). # ''[[Fingertips: Fingertips]]'' ([[Michael Hilborn]]; Z-code). # ''[[Fingertips: I Hear the Wind Blow]]'' ([[Jacqueline A. Lott]]; Glulx). # ''[[Fingertips: Hey Now, Everybody]]'' ([[Melvin Rangasamy]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: Who's That Standing Out the Window]]'' ([[Melvin Rangasamy]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: I Found a New Friend]]'' ([[Adri]]; Z-code 8). # ''[[Fingertips: Come On and Wreck My Car]]'' ([[Paul Laroquod]]; Z-code 8). # ''[[Fingertips: Aren't You the Guy Who Hit Me in the Eye?]]'' ([[Michael Hilborn]]; Z-code). # ''[[Fingertips: Please Pass the Milk Please]]'' ([[Adri]]; Z-code 8). # ''[[Fingertips: Leave Me Alone]]'' ([[Kevin Jackson-Mead]]; Z-code). # ''[[Fingertips: Who's Knockin' on the Wall?]]'' ([[Melvin Rangasamy]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: All Alone]]'' ([[Joey Jones]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: What's That Blue Thing Doing Here?]]'' ([[Ruth Alfasso]]; Z-code). # ''[[Fingertips: Something Grabbed Ahold of My Hand]]'' ([[Melvin Rangasamy]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: I Don't Understand You]]'' ([[Matt Weiner]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: I Heard a Sound]]'' ([[Kevin Jackson-Mead]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: Mysterious Whispers]]'' ([[Peter Nepstad]]; Glulx). # ''[[Fingertips: The Day That Love Came to Play]]'' ([[S. John Ross]]; Z-code 8). # ''[[Fingertips: I'm Having a Heart Attack]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]]; Z-code). # ''[[Fingertips: Fingertips (Reprise)]]'' ([[Melvin Rangasamy]]; Z-code 5). # ''[[Fingertips: I Walk Along Darkened Corridors]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]]; Z-code). # ''[[Space Suit]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]]; Z-code). ==Links== * {{ifarchive|games/zcode/|}}. Contains all 38 games. * [ Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album]. Homepage at [[PR-IF]]. Includes download and play-it-online links. * [ Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album]. Announcement on Kevin Jackson-Mead's blog, The Gameshelf, 17-Dec-2011. * [ Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album]. Announcement thread and discussion on, begun 17-Dec-2011. * [ They Might Be Giants fans celebrate 'Apollo 18' anniversary with geekiest tribute imaginable] by Brian Heater for engadget, 26-Mar-2012. * [ They Might Be Giants IF Tribute: Apollo 18+20] by Adam Smith for [[Rock, Paper, Shotgun]]; 02-Apr-2012. ===Reviews=== * [ Reviews] - at [[IFDB]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Carl Muckenhoupt]]. [[Category:Events]] [[Category:2012]]