The GameMaster: Resident Lust

From IFWiki
Porn / Erotica
Porn / Erotica
The GameMaster: Resident Lust
Author(s) Night Owl
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 25-Apr-2006
Authoring system ADRIFT 3.9 and ADRIFT 4
Platform(s) ADRIFT 3.9 and ADRIFT 4
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

Pushpin.jpg This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it.

WARNING: This game contains sexual content.

Notable Features

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Version 1

Note: This version is assumed to have existed, based on the earlier date, and from the author's note included in the Version 1.3 zipfile that clearly states that this game was written in ADRIFT 3.9.

Pushpin.jpg This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it.

Version 1.3

Note: We're guessing the version number is 1.3 based on story file's name, VGM1_3.taf.


General info

  • TUID wanted. (Please replace this line with a ifdb game template.)
