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Annual Interactive Fiction Competition
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Stephen Granade×Stephen Granade
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Eastern Standard Time on the day listed above. ==2013 IF Comp Results== 35 games were released on 29-Sep-2013 (not counting one disqualified game): <ol> <li> ''[[Coloratura]]'' ([[Lynnea Glasser]]; Glulx). <li> ''[[Robin & Orchid]]'' ([[Ryan Veeder]] and [[Emily Boegheim]]; Glulx). <li> ''[[Ollie Ollie Oxen Free]]'' ([[Carolyn VanEseltine]]; Glulx). <li> ''[[Captain Verdeterre's Plunder]]'' ([[Ryan Veeder]]; Glulx). <li> ''[[Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of Life]]'' ([[Truthcraze]]; Glulx). <li> ''[[Solarium]]'' ([[Alan DeNiro]]; Twine). <li> ''[[Threediopolis]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]]; Z-code). <li> ''[[Machine of Death]]'' ([[Hulk Handsome]]; Twine). <li> ''[[Their angelical understanding]]'' ([[Porpentine]]; Twine). <li> ''[[Bell Park, Youth Detective]]'' ([[Brendan Patrick Hennessy]]; Twine). <li> ''[[Trapped in Time]]'' ([[Simon Christiansen]]; PDF). <li> ''[[Mrs. Wobbles & The Tangerine House]]'' ([[Mark Marino]]; Undum). <li> ''[[Final Girl]]'' ([[Hanon Ondricek]]; StoryNexus). <li> ''[[Autumn's Daughter]]'' ([[Ali Sajid Imami]] and [[Shumaila Hashmi]] as "Devolution Games"; Undum). <li> ''[[Moquette]]'' ([[Alex Warren]]; Quest). <li> ''[[The House at the End of Rosewood Street]]'' ([[Michael Thomét]]; Glulx). <li> ''[[The Paper Bag Princess]]'' ([[Adri]]; Z-code). <li> ''[[Impostor Syndrome]]'' ([[Dietrich Squinkifer]] as "Georgiana Bourbonnais"; Twine). <li> ''[[Who Among Us]]'' ([[Tia Orisney]]; Twine). <li> ''[[Dream Pieces]]'' ([[Iam Curio]]; Quest). <li> ''[[Further]]'' ([[Will Hines]]; Z-code). <li> ''[[Blood on the Heather]]'' ([[Tia Orisney]]; Twine). <li> ''[[The Wizard's Apprentice]]'' ([[Alex Freeman]]; TADS 2). <li> ''[[Saving John]]'' ([[Josephine]] as "Josephine Tsay"; Twine). <li> ''[[Sam and Leo Go To The Bodega]]'' ([[Richard Goodness]]; Twine). <li> ''[[Dad vs. Unicorn]]'' ([[Julius Olofsson]] as "PaperBlurt"; Twine). <li> ''[[Our Boys in Uniform]]'' ([[Megan Stevens]]; Twine). <li> ''[[A Wind Blown from Paradise]]'' ([[N.C. Hunter Hayden]]; Glulx), tied with<br />''[[Mazredugin]]'' ([[Jim Q. Pfygx-Vobk]]; Glulx). <li value="30"> ''[[9Lives]]'' ([[InformStorm]]; Z-code). <li> ''[[Vulse]]'' ([[Rob Parker]]; Twine). <li> ''[[The Cardew House]]'' ([[Andrew Brown]]; Glulx). <li> ''[[100,000 years]]'' ([[Pierre Chevalier]]; Twine). <li> ''[[The Challenge (game)|The Challenge]]'' ([[Emilian Kowalewski]] as "ViRALiTY"; Web). <li> ''[[Reels]]'' ([[Tyler Zahnke]]; Web). </ol> Disqualified entry: * ''[[The Legend of Robin Hood]]'' ([[Craig Dutton]]; Quest). Disqualified for violation of Author Rule 4. It was publicly released before the competition began. ==2013 Miss Congeniality Awards== These awards were voted by the authors of the entries. # ''[[Coloratura]]'' ([[Lynnea Glasser]]; Glulx). # ''[[Their angelical understanding]]'' ([[Porpentine]]; Twine). # ''[[Bell Park, Youth Detective]]'' ([[Brendan Patrick Hennessy]]; Twine), tied with<br>''[[Ollie Ollie Oxen Free]]'' ([[Carolyn VanEseltine]]; Glulx). ==Links== * {{link|deadurl=|archive=|IF Comp website}}, as it stood after the comp. * [ Results archive]. * [{{ifarchive index link|games/competition2013/}} IF Archive]. * {{Mathbrush ifcomp review|year=2013|url=}}. ===Reviews=== ''See also: [ IF Comp 2013: Links and other reviews], [ IFComp 2013 blogs] and [ IFComp 2013 Game Discussion].'' * [ Reviews] - at [[IFDB]]. * [ Sonnet (and other formal poetry) reviews] - at * [ Reviews (in Russian)] - at the Russian IF forum. * [ Reviews] by [[Philip Armstrong]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]. * [ Reviews (in German)] by [[Martin Barth]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Cerxi]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Wade Clarke]]. * [ Reviews (in English and Italian)] by [[Francesco Cordella]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Mr Creosote]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Cult of the New]]. * [!if-comp-2013-reviews/c15w5 Reviews] by [[Robert DeFord]]. * [ Reviews] by [[deubelba]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Vivienne Dunstan]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Doug Egan]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Elizabeth]] (runnerchild). * [ Reviews] by [[Victor Gijsbers]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Hipolito]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Christopher Huang]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Marco Innocenti]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Joey Jones]]. * [ Reviews] by [[E. Joyce]] (The Xenographer). * [ Reviews] by [[Leland Paul Kusmer]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Jason Lautzenheiser]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Paul Lee]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Michael Martin]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Rob Menke]]. * [ Reviews] by [[mindbling]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Carl Muckenhoupt]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Adam Myers]]. * [ Reviews] by [[PaulS]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Peter Pears]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Jenni Polodna]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Chris Priestman]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Brooks Reeves]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Katie Rivard]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Colin Sandel]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Emily Short]]. * {{link|deadurl=|Reviews}} by [[Space Giraffe]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Dietrich Squinkifer|Squinky]], writing as Deirdra Kiai. * {{link|deadurl=|Reviews}} by [[Steven Watson]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Jack Welch]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Jake Wildstrom]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Reiko Yukawa]]. {{IFCompNavBox}} [[Category:Annual IF Competition]] [[Category:2013]]