Edit Event: IFComp 2013

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@party competition
ADRIFT Spring Comp
Adventure Convention
Adventure Jam
AIF Mini-comp
Anti-Romance Jam
Bogleech Creepypasta Cook-Off
Chicago Interactive Fiction Group
Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone
Concours Moiki
Emily Short Anniversary Contest
Fortnightly Fiction Jam
German Speed-IF
Golden Hamster
Grand Prix
Hours of Inform
Hugo Open House Competition
IF Art Show
IF Review-a-thon
IF Short Games Showcase
IF Whispers
IFDB Awards
IFLibrary Comp
InsideADRIFT Awards
Interactive Fiction Showcase
Interactive Fiction Top 50
Jams hosted by the Neo-Interactives
MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest
Neo-Twiny Jam
One Room Game Competition
Oxford and London Interactive Fiction Group
People's Republic of Interactive Fiction
Premio Avventura dell'Anno
Premios Hispanos
Rayuela de Arena
Rayuela Jam
Saugus.net Halloween Ghost Story Contest
Seattle IF Group
SF Bay Area Interactive Fiction Group
Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition
Source Code Amnesty Day
Spring Thing
Text Adventure Literacy Jam
The Annual IF Competition
The Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction
Xcomp (series)
XYZZY Awards

IFDB event ID: Enter the IFDB ID for this event here. It can be obtained from that website's URL, e.g. xnv146g8r27q86wq for First Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (1995).


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Organisers: If you type in any new names, please use a comma or press enter after each name to tokenize it.

  • ×Stephen Granade


Total: Total number of entries.

Details of the awards:

For first place, type "1" as the award name, and so on.

Award name: Game:
Notes: (optional)
Award name: Game:
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Award name: Game:
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Registration begins · 25 · 06 · 2013
Registration ends · 1 · 09 · 2013
Submissions due · 28 · 09 · 2013
Voting begins · 29 · 09 · 2013
Voting ends · 15 · 11 · 2013
Results announced · 16 · 11 · 2013

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Page content

This is for the IFComp 2013 page content (not the infobox).
