The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M: Difference between revisions

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(+ Emily Short)
(→‎Links: +ifwizz)
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===General info===
===General info===
* {{TUID wanted}}
* {{TUID wanted}}
* {{ifwizz|The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M|life-(and-deaths)-of-doctor-m-the-(2011-en)}}.

* [ Review (in German)] by [[Martin Barth]].
* [ Review] by [[Emily Short]].
* [ Review] by [[Emily Short]].

Revision as of 12:46, 23 October 2011

Genre wanted
Green IF comp ribbon.png
IF Comp 2011
nth of 38
The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M
File:Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M small cover.jpg
Author(s) Edmund Wells
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 01-Oct-2011
Authoring system Inform 7
Platform(s) Glulx
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects TBD
Graphics TBD
Sound/Music TBD
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins


Release 5 (Competition release)


General info



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