IF community: Difference between revisions

From IFWiki

m (→‎People Lists: Added link)
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*[http://brasslantern.org The Brass Lantern].
*[http://brasslantern.org The Brass Lantern].
*[http://etoychest.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=4&id=148&Itemid=49 Cardinal Points].  
*[http://etoychest.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=4&id=148&Itemid=49 Cardinal Points].  
*[http://bluerenga.blogspot.com Renga in Blue].
*[http://bluerenga.wordpress.com Renga in Blue].
*[http://www.xyzzynews.com XYZZYnews].
*[http://www.xyzzynews.com XYZZYnews].

Revision as of 22:52, 24 October 2007

The IF Community is made up of people from all around the globe. They discuss IF and many other things on Usenet, on MUDs, and in person. Note that while the term 'the IF community' is frequently and casually used, it is hard to identify a single community focus; furthermore, other IF communities exist that interact little with the r*if-ifMUD community, notably for non-anglophone or adult-themed IF.

People Lists

Main article: Category:People

Mailing Lists

FAQ Lists

Main article: FAQ

File Servers and Catalogs

Discussion Groups

Main article: Category:Communities

News and Editorials

Periodicals and 'Zines

Main article: Category:Publications

Community Resources