Jack Welch: Difference between revisions

From IFWiki

(+ Rover's Day Out)
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* ''[[Berrost's Challenge]]'' ([[Mark Hatfield]]; 01-Oct-2008; [[TADS 2]]).
* ''[[Berrost's Challenge]]'' ([[Mark Hatfield]]; 01-Oct-2008; [[TADS 2]]).
* ''[[Shelter from the Storm]]'' ([[Eric Eve]]; 31-May-2009; [[TADS 3]]).
* ''[[Shelter from the Storm]]'' ([[Eric Eve]]; 31-May-2009; [[TADS 3]]).
* ''[[The Lighthouse (by Marius Mueller)|The Lighthouse]]'' ([[Marius Müller]]; 31-Oct-2009; [[Z-code]]).

[[Category:People|Welch, Jack]]
[[Category:People|Welch, Jack]]

Revision as of 00:11, 9 November 2009

Note: Jack's nickname on ifMud is dhakajack.

Author Credits

Testing Credits