From IFWiki
The process of allowing people other than the author to play a game that is otherwise essentially complete, for the purpose of discovering flaws and bugs before the official public release.
By contrast, allowing people to play the game before the plot has been completely written or when other parts of the game are fundamentally unfinished is alpha-testing.
Beta-testing is an IF form of usability testing, which also helps the author identify what parts of a work-in-progress the players enjoy most.
- IFCollab is a directory page where people may sign up to offer their help as programmer, writer, illustrator, beta-tester, and so on.
- IF Beta Site helps authors find volunteer beta-testers.
- IF Betatesting List is a mailing list for the IF Beta Site. (DEAD LINK)
- AIF Beta-Tester Roster helps AIF authors find beta-testers.
- Oh No! Beta! Tips and Techniques for Beta-Testing Games-in-Progress by C. E. Forman for XYZZYnews #8.
- Beta-Testers I Have Loved by Neil deMause for XYZZYnews #8.
- Some Suggestions on Beta-testing by Emily Short. Covers both the tester's and author's side of the issue. (Currently down. Last version mirrored at the Internet Archive).
- BetaComp was a beta-testing minicomp run by Jessica Knoch in 2003 and 2004.