Premios Hispanos 2001

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Revision as of 14:51, 4 September 2007 by Sarmas (talk | contribs) (→‎Links)

Best AdventureOcaso Mortaldhan
ScriptPor la Necedad HumanaUrbatain
StoryEl Octavo PasajeroJarel
Literary QualityPor la Necedad HumanaUrbatain
InmersionEl Octavo PasajeroJarel
Originality¿La Sentencia?Zak
InteractivityOcaso Mortaldhan
PlayabilityEl Octavo PasajeroJarel
Best PuzzlesOcaso Mortaldhan
Best NPC'sEl Octavo PasajeroJarel
Best PuzzleScaring the worms in "Ocaso Mortal"dhan
Best NPCTester in "¿La Sentencia?"Zak


Adventure N. Nominations Nominations
Ocaso Mortal 12 Story, Literary Quality, Script, Inmersion, Interactivity, Playability, Best Adventure, Best NPC, Best Puzzle, Best NPC's, Best Puzzles, Originality
El Octavo Pasajero 10 Literary Quality, Script, Inmersion, Interactivity, Playability, Best Adventure, Best NPC, Best Puzzle, Best NPC's, Best Puzzles
La Llamada de Cthulhu 9 Story, Literary Quality, Script, Inmersion, Interactivity, Playability, Best Adventure, Best NPC's, Best Puzzles
Por la Necedad Humana 7 Story, Literary Quality, Script, Inmersion, Best NPC, Best NPC's, Originality
El Sello de Heylr 6 Literary Quality, Inmersion, Interactivity, Playability, Best Adventure, Best Puzzles
Un Asunto de Celos 5 Literary Quality, Interactivity, Playability, Best Puzzle, Best Puzzles
Antes 5 Story, Script, Best Puzzle, Best Puzzles, Originality
¿La Sentencia? 4 Interactivity, Best NPC, Best Puzzle, Originality
Jesús y cia. 4 Best Adventure, Best NPC, Best Puzzle, Best NPC's
El Imperio de la Mente 3 Literary Quality, Best Puzzle, Originality
Nada 2 Literary Quality, Originality
El Armario 1 Story
Segapark 1 Interactivity
A Ciegas 1 Playability
Con Rumbo 1 Best NPC
Esquizofrenia 1 Best NPC
Vicentito 1 Best NPC
MejiJones 1 Originality
PSI 1 Originality
Vida Perra 1 Originality
