Bitter Karella
From IFWiki
Author Credits
- Night House (01-Oct-2016; Quest). IF Comp 2016: 8th place.
- The Curious Incident at Blackrock Township (30-Oct-2016; Twine). ECTOcomp 2016: 8th place.
- Roberta Williams Eats a Sandwich (22-Nov-2016; Twine).
- Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets (01-May-2017; Quest). Spring Thing 2017: Alumni Choice Ribbon.
- Guttersnipe: St. Hesper's Asylum for the Criminally Mischievous (01-Oct-2017; Quest). IF Comp 2017: 14th place.
- All Visitors Welcome (20-Oct-2017; Quest). ECTOComp 2017: 10th place.
- Guttersnipe: The Baleful Backwash (01-April-2018; Quest). Spring Thing 2018.