Adventure Convention
From IFWiki
This is an annual event held in the UK.
Details are sketchy:
- It might also be called the "Adventure Probe Convention" or "UK Adventurer's Convention".
- The Megapoints Competition, in which the players must play as far as possible a text adventure in 20 minutes, is held at this event.
- Adventure Convention 2000 was held in October 2000.
- Adventure Convention 2002 was organized by Doreen Bardon.
- Adventure Convention 2003 might have also been called Adventure2003.
- Adventure Convention 2004 was held at the end of October 2004 at The Allesley Hotel in Coventry.
- Adventurers Convention 2005, organized by Doreen Bardon, was held on Saturday 29th October, 2005 at The Allesley Hotel in Coventry.
- Adventurers Convention 2006, organized by Doreen Bardon, will be held on the last weekend of October 2006 in Coventry.
- The homesite of the convention was at , but there's nothing but a logo for the 2004 convention there now.
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TODO: Do you need to ask? Can anyone make something more concrete from these pathetic crumbs of info? Please?