IntroComp 2009
From IFWiki
The eighth IntroComp is currently being organized by Jacqueline A. Lott.
- Intent deadline: August 20, 2009, 23:59 EST.
- Submission deadline: August 29, 2009, 23:59 EST.
- Games were released: August 31, 2009 (early morning).
- Voting deadline: September 15, 2009, 23:59 EST.
- Winners announced on the ifMUD: September 19, 2009, 15:00 EST.
Note: This competition is currently in its voting period. Results have yet to be determined.
- Gossip (Hugo Labrande; Z-code 5).
- Obituary (writer: Drew Mochak, programmer: Johnny Rivera; Z-code 5).
- Selves (J'onn Roger; Z-code).
- IntroComp 2009 - official website.
- Download IntroComp09.ZIP (the games) from the comp organizer's site.
- IntroComp 2009 is Now Underway - announcement on raif, July 12, 2009.
- IntroComp09 - (Slight) Extension on Intent to Enter Deadline - raif, August 16, 2009.
- IntroComp09 Entries Now Public - rgif, August 31, 2009.
- Reviews by Victor Gijsbers.
- Reviews by Sarah Morayati.