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Revision as of 16:02, 4 September 2005 by Ryukage (talk | contribs) (Correct name for NPC, more info, added additional pronunciation to help with vowel differences among dialects.)

AFGNCAAP is an abbreviation that stands for Ageless, Faceless, Gender Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person. The term comes from Zork Grand Inquisitor, where one of the NPCs (Dalboz of Gurth) gives the PC this name. It is essentially a joking reference to the convention of Infocom games to encourage players to conflate the story's protagonist with themselves; a practice which necessitates the protagonist having the most generic identity possible.

AFGNCAAP is pronounced like "afghan-cap" (if you're British) or "afghan-cop" (if you're American).
