Talk:About IFWiki
This is the talk page for About IFWiki. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.
Either I'm doing something wrong or the IFWiki doesn't handle Telnet URLs correctly. The problem appears in the URL for the ifMUD. I'll leave it as is for now and hopefully someone will be able to spot the problem and fix it at some point. -- Sand
I think the MediaWiki software will only accept particular protocols. It wouldn't take the aim link I tried to put on my user page either. The editor help at Meta suggests that only http and ftp are allowed, but obviously news and mailto work also, at least on ifwiki. Anyway, linking to the homepage for ifMUD is probably more useful than directly to the MUD itself, since you need the information there to get set up and logged in the first time. --Ryukage 06:36, 9 Jun 2005 (Central Daylight Time)
I can log in but I can't view my account due to fatal error caused by skin preference
Hi, could anyone tell me where one goes to ask for tech help regarding the accounts? I ran into a problem after opening an account. I was setting up the preferences for the skins and ended up with a fatal error that won't let me view my account. So I made a new account just to post.
I tried deleting all cookies and old files from my browser just in case but I still get this message when I log in:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class skinmonobook in C:\Program Files\TSW\Apache2\htdocs\skins\Copy of MonoBook.php on line 33
Thanks. Amy
- I'll update the Community Portal page to suggest that tech questions should be asked here; we haven't had any policy for them until now. Unfortunately, I can't help with your actual problem, but I have mudmailed David Cornelson, the guy who originally put this wiki together, and hopefully he can help you. -- David Welbourn 12:19, 10 Dec 2005 (Central Standard Time)
My account's working again. Thank you! Now hopefully I don't stumble and lock myself out again.
The problem was in the old code. With the upgrade, there should be no way to recreate that error. --David Cornelson 01:27, 16 December 2005 (EST)