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Revision as of 16:07, 20 February 2007 by Cassandra Palop (talk | contribs) (→‎''Programming'' vs. ''Authoring'')
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Programming vs. Authoring

What is the difference between programming and authoring? Is it the same difference as between code and literature? I am puzzled by this. Thanks in advance. -- Cassandra Palop 05:16, 16 February 2007 (EST)

I've always taken it to mean the same thing -- synonymous. But, I've never given it any thought before. Now that I have, I have a couple ideas/opinions. Programming encompasses all kinds of software, including IF. To me, "authoring" seems more game-specific. Hmm.. maybe that's a stretch. Also, programming is one part of the process (design, writing, etc. making up the other pieces). To me, "authoring" seems like everything combined. If you author a game, you created the concept, you wrote the text, you did the programming, everything. Anybody else have opinions (or better, facts) about the difference? -- Mike Snyder 08:04, 16 February 2007 (CST)

Historically, the terms haven't been consistently used. But my current thinking, at least as far as non-professional IF, is:

authoring = designing + programming

As far as commercial IF goes, I prefer to use the terms that they used in their own literature. Often this means that the designer is called the author, even though others did the programming. -- David Welbourn 23:34, 17 February 2007 (EST)

Thanks for your answers. Currently I am writing some portions of the script for a work of interactive fiction (nothing significant, of course). Perhaps it is literature... however I am not sure whether or not I am exactly designing it, though. :) -- Cassandra Palop 11:07, 20 February 2007 (EST)