Talk:Purple prose

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Revision as of 01:28, 8 October 2007 by Aurora (talk | contribs) (Comment)

This is the talk page for Purple prose. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.

-- How about the word novices instead of newbies? --JdBerry - 10 Sep 2002

-- Done. DGJ - 10 Sep 2002

LeeAnnKorecky - 21 Nov 2002 Added "it is." Deleted a comma. Added a period. Made the last sentence into a sentence.

Fixed the sentence fragment created by the above author's conversion of a predicate into a whole sentence. Likewise removed "it is" in order to preserve the pattern all the other definitions follow. -- DGJ - 13 Jan 2003

I find it interesting that of all the IF games created, only two could be found as an example of purple prose. Surely you can do better. Aurora 18:28, 7 October 2007 (PDT)