Talk:Free Software IF

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Revision as of 12:26, 25 March 2008 by VictorGijsbers (talk | contribs)
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This is the talk page for Free Software IF. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.

Source for The Baron

Debeth, in what sense is there no source available for The Baron? Everyone who has ever asked me for the source (which one or two people have done) has been given it, no further questions asked. I'll take the liberty of removing your comment. (It's true that the source is not currently available on the IF Archive. If that bothers you, you could do two things about it: ask me for the source and upload it yourself (the GPL allows that); or wait until I've completed the rewrite I'm currently doing, after which I'll post it myself.) VictorGijsbers 14:36, 24 March 2008 (PDT)

Free Software and Freeware

I wonder if the article could say explicitly that free software isn't at all the same thing as freeware? I think it's easy to mix up both... --Eriorg 04:23, 25 March 2008 (PDT)

Sure. VictorGijsbers 05:26, 25 March 2008 (PDT)