The Fugitive

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Revision as of 21:16, 28 May 2008 by VictorGijsbers (talk | contribs) (+ Some notable features (I did not yet play very far, so these may not be the most notable))

The Fugitive
Author(s) Renata Burianova
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 14-Jun-2001
Authoring system ADRIFT
Platform(s) ADRIFT
Language(s) English
License(s) TBD
Color effects TBD
Graphics TBD
Sound/Music TBD
Cruelty scale Cruel

How It Begins

You wake up into the night and hear a terrible sound of a telephone ring. "I have no time for explaining the reasons, but you must trust me," a male voice tells you. "You're in a great danger, so you'd better get your stuff and get out. If you don't do that quickly enough you will be dead. They're coming for you. Go now!"

Notable Features

  • The game begins with a stringent, instant-death timed puzzle.
  • The "about" command takes a turn to execute, so you can lose the game by typing "about" several times.
  • Sparse implementation of nouns and verbs.


Competition version




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