Talk:Games by American State
This is the talk page for Games by American State. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.
I wanted to get the ball rolling on a page like this. It might be a fun page to update, or look at as more entries get added. -- David Welbourn 20:10, 31 Aug 2005 (Central Daylight Time)
Isn't the title of this page misleading? "State" in general just means "nation", and in that sense, all nations are states. For an example of this (common) usage, think of the "Failed States Index". However, in this article, a very different meaning of "state" is used, namely, "one of the fifty-something semi-autonomous regions of the United States of America". There's nothing wrong with that usage, of course, although I don't think it's the first thing that will come to mind unless you are a US citizen; but it should be clarified in the title. Even Games by State (US) would be much clearer. VictorGijsbers 00:03, 26 June 2008 (PDT)