Chris Crawford
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A fairly known programmer of simulation games. He has also written some articles on video games in general. Founded the Game Developers' Conference (GDC) in 1987.
Game Credits
- Tanktics: Computer game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front (1981), Avalon Hill
- Eastern Front - 1941 (1982), Atari
- Balance of Power (1985), Mindscape, Inc.
- Trust and Betrayal: The Legacy of Siboot (1987), Mindscape, Inc.
- Patton vs. Rommel (1987), Electronic Arts, Inc.
- Trust and Betrayal: The Legacy of Siboot (1987), Mindscape, Inc.
- Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition (1989), Mindscape, Inc.
- SimEarth: The Living Planet (1990), Maxis Software Inc.
- Balance of the Planet (1990),
- The Global Dilemma: Guns or Butter (1990), Mindscape, Inc.
- Patton Strikes Back: The Battle of the Bulge (1991), Brøderbund Software, Inc.
- High Command: Europe 1939-45 (1992), Three-Sixty Pacific, Inc.
Books by Chris Crawford
- The Art of Computer Game Design, 1982. (Free electronic version, 1997.)
Articles by Chris Crawford
- Art? from, July 7, 2008.
Presentations and Video
- Interview on Nightline about Scram, 1982.
- "The Mystique of the Loop", Presentation at 1990 Game Developers' Conference. (Video of Presentation)
- Interview with Crawford about Balance of the Planet, conducted 1990.
Interviews with Chris Crawford
- Interview with Chris Crawford by h0l (Simon Carless), 1997.
- Halcyon Days: Interview with Chris Crawford by James Hague, Halcyon Days, 1997.
- Insider's Look: Interview with Chris Crawford, by Frederique Krupa. 1999.
- Power Balancing: An Interview with Chris Crawford, by Simon Carless, Gamasutra June 5, 2003.
- Chris Crawford Strikes Back: It's the Story, Stupid, Electronic Gaming Business, September 24, 2003.
- Interview with Chris Crawford, by Aleks Krotoski, Guardian Games Blog, February 2, 2005.
- A Conversation with Chris Crawford, by Max Steele, Escapist Magazine, September 27, 2005.
- Writer Response Theory Interview with Chris Crawford, Christy Dena, April 24, 2006.
- Video Games are Dead: A Chat with Storytronics Guru Chris Crawford, by Chase Murdey, Gamasutra, June 12, 2006.
- A Chat with Chris Crawford by Bill Loguidice, Armchair Arcade, June 30, 2006.