Talk:Renga in Blue

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Revision as of 23:05, 18 October 2009 by Dswxyz (talk | contribs) (reply to Victor)

This is the talk page for Renga in Blue. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.

I suggest that blog-pages would be most useful if they contain links and short descriptions of important entries. Here, an 'important' entry is probably one that has something to say, and itsn't just a short comment or a link to something else. Do you agree? VictorGijsbers 22:35, 18 October 2009 (UTC)

I admit, I haven't given blog-pages all that much thought to date. Certainly this appears to be an improvement to what was there before. Hm. I think, if a blog's entries are tagged in any way by its author, we ought to have a list of links to those tags (if they are IF-related) at the bottom of the article. Also, I can't help but think that summarizing blogs will require quite a bit of work. And what should we call blogs that don't really have their own names? -- David Welbourn 23:05, 18 October 2009 (UTC)