Rover's Day Out

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Revision as of 08:43, 23 October 2009 by VictorGijsbers (talk | contribs) (+ Choba + How it begins)

Genre wanted
Green IF comp ribbon.png
IF Comp 2009
TBD of 24
Rover's Day Out
Rover's Day Out small cover.jpg
Author(s) Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 01-Oct-2009
Authoring system Inform 7
Platform(s) Glulx
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

You wake up when you alarm clock starts beeping, and get into your morning routine: feed Rover, eat breakfast, take a shower--until something unexpected happens. Meanwhile, commentary in blue shows that all is not what it seems.


Release 11

  • Rover's Day Out (Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman; 01-Oct-2009; Glulx).
    • Release 11 / Serial number 090930 / Inform 7 build 5Z71 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/12N)
    • IFID: 417B9626-8635-4451-90F5-D082E01547FA
      IFID links: IFDB
    • IF Comp 2009: xth place of 24 entries.
    • Download rover.gblorb from the IF Archive
    • NOTE (from the IF Comp site): For those playing Rover's Day Out under Spatterlight, please don't. Please use Zoom instead, as Spatterlight appears to be mis-handling the game.


General info




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