PAX East 2010

From IFWiki

[Penny Arcade Expo East]

IF-Related Events

Storytelling in the world of interactive fiction
(Friday, March 26th, 5:30pm-6:30pm, Wyvern Theatre)

Text adventures have been quietly experimenting with narrative gaming for thirty years. Five authors from the amateur interactive fiction community discuss the design ideas in their games -- reordered storylines, unreliable narrators, deeply responsive NPCs -- and how they apply to other kinds of games. (Rob Wheeler (mod.), Robb Sherwin, Aaron Reed, Emily Short, Andrew Plotkin)

GET LAMP Panel/Screening
(Friday, March 26th, 9:30pm, Naga Theatre)

Premiere of Get Lamp!

The current plan as approved by the PAX organizers is the showing of the main GET LAMP episode at 9:30, followed by a panel on stage of people interviewed for the film, and then some showings of a few more features of the DVD after that, including the Infocom and Bedquilt episodes.

Purple Blurb
(Monday, March 29th, 6 pm? Nick Montfort's office)

Emily Short and Jeremy Freese present IF at MIT.

IF Fans Attending

(People who have said they're attending at least some of the con)

The IF Suite

I (zarf) have reserved a large suite on the top floor of the Back Bay Hilton. (Room number TBA.) We have the room from Thursday afternoon until Monday morning, although I currently plan to clear out on Sunday evening.

This shall be called the "[People's Republic of Interactive Fiction] Hospitality Suite".

The plan is to have the door open through Friday, Saturday, and some of Sunday. It will be both a rendezous/hangout point for mudders and IF community folks, and a publicity center for newcomers interested in IF.


  • Chips, soda, M&Ms in mass quantities
  • A Speed-IF at some point in the weekend
  • Maybe some scheduled discussions beyond the official PAX panel
  • Fliers: we should have a stack of fliers describing the suite and all PAX IF events, official and unofficial. Leave on free-flier tables in the convention center.
  • Badge ribbons for all of us ("Grue lover"? "Ask me about Interactive Fiction"? "Lost in a maze of twisty little passages"?)
  • Badge stickers for anyone who drops by the suite (may be same as ribbons)