Calbrenth's Journey

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Calbrenth's Journey
Calbrenth's Journey Logo.jpg
Author(s) Albert Minugh
Release date(s) 27-Jul-2011
Authoring system PHP
Platform(s) Web browser
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects Full color
Graphics Character, Place Pics and Icons
Sound/Music Apple Quicktime required
Cruelty scale Polite


Welcome to Calbrenth's Journey a new PBBG/RPG text adventure developed and hosted at AdventureDraft.

Calbrenth and his sister Arbriana leave the town of Fersbeck seeking a new life in a faraway village. Their journey takes them on a quest across Britain where they meet new friends, find great enemies and experience many adventures. On the pages that follow you will find the story of their search to belong.

All game content, descriptions and titles are ©2011-2012 by - All Rights Reserved

How It Begins

After leaving their home of Fersbeck where they had been orphaned at an early age, Calbrenth and his sister Arbriana spend several days on the road before getting a tip about Haworth from a pair of gypsys. They are told they may find work and lodging there and that the locals are hospitable to travelers. The siblings spend another few days on the road before arriving in Haworth, Yorkshire where our game and your journey begins. Calbrenth and Arbriana are searching Britain for a place to call home but they are in no hurry. Instead they want to experience as many places and adventures as they can, meet new people and make new friends.

Once in Haworth the game quickly moves in many directions as you explore the buildings and become acquainted with the citizens. You will receive several different types of quests along the way. Some are main story quests while others are sub quests that either stand alone or are explicitly attached to another quest (usually a main quest). There are linear instances that require much fortitude to complete and there are two types of extended quests - Trade and Ext. Trade quests cannot be completed by solving part one and returning to the quest giver, you must hold out for part two (which may be in another town that you cannot access yet) to complete them. Ext quests cross town boundaries as well meaning you may not be able to complete them until you gain access to a particular town which requires finishing all the towns before it. Great effort has been made to keep all parts of the story intertwined to some degree, no matter what type of quest or situation you are in.

When you arrive in Haworth look at your icons and become familiar with them. First check your message icon. There is an important introductory message from AdventureDraft there and this is also where you turn on the sound for the game (unfortunately you will have to turn the sound on every time you log in, hope this is not too annoying). Second explore the chat button. This is world chat and works from anywhere in the game. You can also go to a chat room (one in each town) and slowly regain health while you gossip. Third is the journal icon. Here you can keep all your notes pertaining to your game like where things were located, what was required to enter or open certain places, etc. The map icon will display a regional map for your current set of towns.

One more piece of advice, start on West Lane and visit the Kiosk first (one in every town). This is the information board in game and offers a lot of useful info for your currents surroundings. To help you get started you do not have to buy your first weapon, there is one at the King's Arms Public House (also on West Lane) - look in the old chest. Come along now and take a journey with us.

Notable Features

  • The game worlds consist of buildings and places, streets and people, monsters and traps, chests with goodies, crafting, chat rooms, banking with interest, vendors and merchants as well as hundreds of quests.
  • Fully developed storylines.
  • In-game sounds.
  • Friends list. Trade, share, chat and more.
  • Auction house.
  • You can choose your player character from any character in the game.
  • Real time in-game chat system
  • Create potions, items, etc. in the crafting system
  • Bank system that earns daily interest.
  • A storage vault for items you want to save.
  • Hundreds of quests with new content being developed all the time.
  • Keep notes in your journal.
  • Battle enemies and brave traps.
  • Special instance quests.
  • Snippets of history relevant to game setting.
  • Progrssive Guild system with uniques houses, quests and private forums.


Version TBD

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