Toby Ott
From IFWiki
Testing Credits
- Coloratura (Lynnea Glasser; 29-Sep-2013; Glulx). IF Comp 2013.
- Mazredugin (Jim Q. Pfygx-Vobk; 29-Sep-2013; Glulx). IF Comp 2013.
- A Roiling Original (Andrew Schultz); 29-Sep-2013; Glulx). Post-Spring Thing 2013.
- Shuffling Around (Andrew Schultz); 29-Sep-2013; Glulx). Post-IF Comp 2012.
- Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of Life (Truthcraze; 29-Sep-2013; Glulx. IF Comp 2013.