Textfire 12-Pack
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This collection was an April Fool's Day prank played in 1998: a group of people pseudonymously put together some very peculiar "demos" of very odd games, claiming that full versions would soon be available for sale. The original 12-pack contained 16 games, and the 17th, George, was added afterwards with more apocryphal news.
(Note: I count 18 games in total. Resolve this inconsistency. -- Dswxyz)
- Bad Guys, by David Glasser
- Coma!, by Nate Cull
- An Exploration of Colour, by Neil James Brown
- Flowers for Algernon, by Adam Cadre
- George, by Cody Sandifer
- The Inanimator, by Matthew Amster-Burton
- Insomnia, by Scott Starkey
- Jack's Adventures, by Dan Shiovitz
- Masta'mind, by Stephen Granade
- Once, by Chris Klimas
- Operate!, by Cody Sandifer
- Pumping!, by Stephen Granade
- Revenge of the Killer Surf Nazi Robot Babes from Hell, by David Dyte
- A Tenuous Hold, by Stephen Granade
- The U.S. Men's Hockey Team Olympic Challenge, by Leon Lin
- Verb!, by Neil deMause
- Will the Real Marjorie Hopkirk Please Stand Up?, by Neil James Brown
- Zugzwang, by Magnus Olsson