Pilgrimage | |
Author(s) | Victor Ojuel |
Publisher(s) | TBD |
Release date(s) | 01-Oct-2015 |
Authoring system | Inform 7 |
Platform(s) | Glulx |
Language(s) | |
License(s) | Freeware |
Multimedia | |
Color effects | none |
Graphics | optional |
Sound/Music | none |
Ratings | |
Cruelty scale | Cruelty to be determined |
How It Begins
Pilgrimage opens with a quote in French from C. Baudelaire. It then displays an icon of the cover art, lists the credits and tells the player that there is a HELP command.
The game proper begins with the PC leaving Rome at dawn. Other pilgrims and a plague doctor are also travelling on the old Roman road. The PC has been crying but is ready to go now. She carries a loaf of bread and De secretus resilio. The latter is a coded manuscript containing secrets about The Great Work.
The doctor blocks the road northwards. The PC must try to talk to him.
Notable Features
Locations in Pilgrimage often represent major geographical areas like whole cities or countries. Most characters speak only their native language, which is rarely the same as the PC's.
Competition version
- Pilgrimage (Victor Ojuel; 01-Oct-2015; Glulx).
- Cover art by Ara Carrasco
- Tested by Ara Carrasco, Matthew Holland and Hernán Ojuel.
- IFID: 8E64D495-E86F-47EC-AA38-063042449B1C
IFID links: IFDB - IF Comp 2015: 43rd place of 53 entries.
General info
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