IF Discussion Club

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Revision as of 22:38, 14 March 2018 by Froboz (talk | contribs)

IF Discussion Club (sometimes called Theory Club or IF Theory Club) is an informal discussion group that meets monthly on ifMud on its #theoryclub channel to discuss a topic of interest about interactive fiction, with a emphasis on theory. It was hosted by Emily Short from March 2014 to March 2015.

The plan was to meet on the first Saturday of each month at 20:00 GMT. (Sundays were out to avoid conflicts with ClubFloyd.) This changed to the second Saturday of each month beginning in May 2014 to avoid conficts with San Fransisco IF Meetups. Because of other scheduling difficulties, sometimes the meeting happened on the month's third Saturday.

Meetings were held at 8 PM GMT / 3 PM Eastern / Noon Pacific, one Saturday per month, on ifMUD’s theoryclub channel.

The March 2015 meeting will be the club's last meeting unless a new host steps up to organize it. It may also be desirable to choose a new venue other than ifMud that is more newbie-friendly; Slack.com has been suggested as a possible new meeting site.



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