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Revision as of 17:58, 24 November 2005 by Nerd42 (talk | contribs)

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Having trouble with my rouge ifMUD

I say, it's been years since I've messed with anything ifMUD related, but I've setup my old copy of the ifMUD source on a new machine. But something's wrong with it ... it won't @garbage anything ... stuff doesn't get thrown away like it's supposed to. You have to @recycle it by it's dbref number like four times before it actually goes away. Otherwise it stays in the database forever. wth? --Nerd42 11:54, 7 Nov 2005 (Central Standard Time)

The IFWiki is not the place for troubleshooting muds. Please take this discussion to ifMUD. --David Cornelson 08:50, 8 Nov 2005 (Central Standard Time)

I would do that, except I was toaded several years ago for being a stupid annoying n00b. --Nerd42 11:58, 24 Nov 2005 (Central Standard Time)