Template:Main Page News
From IFWiki
"IF is now being written by many types of people, for many reasons, as freeware or for sale, and distributed in a wide range of places. It is harder than ever to follow what is going on, and also there is a greater than ever variety to the works and players."
--Emily Short, "Brief Bibliography about IF History," April 2016.
What's new in the IF scene:
- IFDB's adoption by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
- NarraScope, a games conference hosted by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
- The Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation, a nonprofit created to support IF tools and services.
- ngPAWS, a PAW-like authoring system for web-based IF by Uto
- Gruescript, a parser/choice hybrid development language by Robin Johnson
- Dialog, a parser-based authoring language developed by Linus Åkesson.
Still going strong:
- Annual competitions like IF Comp, Spring Thing, and the XYZZY Awards
- Popular parser-based authoring tools like Inform 7, TADS and Quest
- Popular choice-based authoring tools like Twine, ChoiceScript, ink, Squiffy and Texture
- Retro-style parser authoring tools like Adventuron and PunyInform
- Experimentation in parser, choice and hybrid IF
- Meetup groups like Boston's People's Republic of Interactive Fiction and San Francisco's SF Bay Area Interactive Fiction Group