IFWiki talk:Copyright discussions
This is the talk page for IFWiki:Copyright discussions. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.
I have pieced together everything I could find on the wiki about copyright on the IFWiki:Copyright discussions page. It looks from the 2005 debates and the 2007 copyright page that the "public domain" argument won, and that all content on the wiki is public domain, at least from 21 February 2007, with two exceptions being the FAQ page (CC-SA 2.0 licence) and Andrew Plotkin's postcard (CC-SA 3.0 licence). Until I've read the 2005 debates I'll just observe that the easiest option is not to change anything... Jonathan (talk) 23:53, 11 December 2021 (UTC)
I've read the old discussions and my instinct is still to keep everything public domain. We can't change that for the old material anyway. The big difference isn't how we use other people's information (they decide on that) but on what other people can do with ours. There hasn't been a problem with that in over a decade, as far as I know. But I see that the IFTF uses CC licences so maybe someone from there could advise on the reasons! Jonathan (talk) 14:57, 13 December 2021 (UTC)
There's a comment on the CC site saying "the laws of some jurisdictions don’t allow authors and copyright owners to waive all of their own rights, such as moral rights". They offer a "CC0" license (https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/CC0_FAQ) which is intended to be "as public domain as legally possible". Zarf