An Interactive Environment Engine

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An Interactive Environment Engine
Authoring system
Links Home page Download
Developer Mark Damon Hughes
Format Other
Interaction style Parser
Systems Windows, macOS, Linux
System details
Latest version 0.3 / 19 Oct 2004
Status Unavailable
Multimedia support
Notes Format: Java
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Its home page stated: "Aiee! allows you to design and play text adventures, or "interactive fiction". Aiee! adventures are written in a simple XML-based format, without the need for any programming experience. Aiee! adventures can even include illustrations and sound."

The following information is from the old Engine List page here:

Website: Defunct
Last updated: 2004-10-19
User interface: Parser
Scripting language: XML-esque
Game file format: Java
Complexity: Low
Can self-publish titles: Yes
Open source: Yes

The following is from the Cloak of Darkness part of the Mipmip website:

Aiee! (An Interactive Environment Engine) is developed by Mark Hughes, whose pages at are the primary information source.

Aiee! is an interpretive system -- no compiler is involved -- which is written in Java. The source language is XML-based, and can even include illustrations and sound. It is intended to be usable without the need for any programming experience.

The Aiee! version of "Cloak of Darkness" was written by Mark Hughes (


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