Stable utilities

From IFWiki

This is a list of all stable utilities, listed in date order.

Utility Utility description Format System Updated
Babel (utility) Read/manipulate Babel bibliographic data 2024-10-16
Puddle BuildTools for PunyInform Bundle Z-code for retro computers Z-code Windows macOS Linux 2024-02-09 Mapping web app Browser 2024-01-15
ZDevtools Z-Machine assembler/disassembler Z-code Windows macOS Linux 2023-10-07
IFMapper Mapping tool Not applicable Windows macOS Linux 2023-05-30
MUD Map Mapping tool Not applicable Other 2022-11-02
IFM Mapping tool Windows 2022-07-30
Trizbort Mapping app Windows 2022-03-19
IF D-pad Compass directions via number pad Windows 2022-01-09
IF Name Generator Create random game titles Browser 2020-11-05
Glulx-strings Story file string extractor Glulx TADS 2 TADS 3 Z-code Browser 2019-09-14
ZILF ZIL compiler/tools Z-code Windows macOS Linux 2019-08-11
Ztools Z-code disassembler/tools Z-code Windows macOS Linux MS-DOS Classic Mac OS Commodore Amiga Other 1998-11-07
Floyd (bot) ifMUD interpreter bot Other
Alex (bot) Chat bot for ifMUD Not applicable Other

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