Benjamin Roux
From IFWiki
Benjamin Roux's nickname is Yoruk.
Author Credits
NOTE: All the following games are in French.
- Interra : L'autre monde (2006; MS-DOS).
- Inform port (Jul-2007; Z-code).
- Jour pluvieux (2006; MS-DOS).
- Initiation - Les aventures d'un apprenti sorcier (as "Yoruk"; 19-Aug-2007; Z-code 8). French Speed-IF 2007.
- Kheper, une aventure égyptienne (as "Yoruk"; 26-Aug-2007; Z-code). French Speed-IF 2007.
- Sortir de la chambre (Sep-2007; Z-code 5).
- Lavoir (c. Sep-2007; Glulx).
- L'île du Phare Abandonné (as "Celui Dont Le Crâne Est Sacré"; 26-Dec-2007; Z-code, Glulx). French Minicomp 2007: 5th place.
- Celui qui voulait décrocher les étoiles (28-Jan-2008; Z-code).
- La quête du Baal (as "Yoruk"; 01-Jun-2008; Z-code). French Speed-IF 2008.
- Le Loup, la Chèvre et la Salade (as "Bêêêêêhhhh"; 21-Nov-2008; Z-code). French Minicomp 2008: 4th place.
- Survivre (as "Glover1683"; 22-Nov-2008; Glulx). French Minicomp 2008: 3rd place.
- Livraison express (as "Yoruk"; 28-Dec-2008; Z-code 5). French Speed-IF 2008.
- La chambre de Syrion (as "Nemesis"; 12-Jan-2010; Z-code 8). French Minicomp 2009: 2nd place.
- Les aventures de Zeus (as "Quetzalcóatl"; 22-Jan-2012; Z-code). French Minicomp 2011: winner.
- La Source de Zig (as Anonymous; 10-Jan-2014; Z-code). French Minicomp 2012-2013: 3rd place.
- L'Envol (as Anonymous; 01-Feb-2015; Z-code). Concours de Fictions Interactives Francophones 2015: winner.
- Le Diamant Blanc (As Yoruk; 3-Jan-2016; Z-code). French Minicomp 2016: 4th place.
- L'exil (As Anonymous; 15-Jan-2018; Z-code). Concours de Fictions Interactives Francophones 2018: 5th place.
Other Credits
- Created the logos for:
- French Comp 2008.
- French Comp 2009 (with some help from Eric Forgeot).
- French Minicomp 2011.
- French Minicomp 2012-2013.
- Concours de Fictions Interactives Francophones 2015.
- French Minicomp 2016.
- Concours de Fictions Interactives Francophones 2018.
- Concours 2019 de fictions interactives francophones.
- Concours francophone de la fiction interactive, édition 2020.
- How to create an Interactive Fiction Game like "Zork" - a quick Inform 6 tutorial for beginners, on Instructables.
- Benjamin Roux (archived) - at Baf's Guide.
- Game list page on IFBD.