Countdown 1 - the Body

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Countdown 1 - the Body
Author(s) Ben Croshaw
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 04-Jan-2007
Authoring system Inform 7
Platform(s) Z-code 5
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Merciful

How It Begins

August 18th, 1779. You are Jack Frehorn, carrying nothing. You are in the "harpsichord room" of your home, which now only contains a decorative end table bearing a bottle of rum, curtainless windows, the stairs up, a trapdoor down, and the door that leads outside. The cursed harpsichord you smashed on that horrible day, just over a year ago.

On July 28th, 1778, you murdered your greatest friend Wilbur with a gun and then butchered the body with an axe. At the grave, you pleaded for your life when a mysterious figure in black appeared. Satisfied, he disappeared. Exactly a year later, the Tall Man returned with instructions from his foetid master. Now, twenty-one days later, you will complete those instructions.

Trivia and Comments

  • This is the first part of a trilogy of text adventure games. The trilogy was a build-up to the release of a graphical adventure game 6 Days A Sacrifice, the final part of the 5 Days a Stranger series.
  • The player only gets an overview of what is an extensive backstory. This game (and the rest of the Countdown series) continues a storyline begun in Croshaw's freeware amateur graphical adventure 5 Days a Stranger, continued in 7 Days a Skeptic and Trilby's Notes, and concluded in 6 Days a Sacrifice.


Release 1

  • Countdown 1 - the Body (Ben Croshaw as "Yahtzee"; 04-Jan-2007; Z-code 5).
    • Release 1 / Serial number 061219 / Inform 7 build 4B91 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/11N)
    • IFID: 11901B81-89E3-11DB-88B0-00902790B6B8
      IFID links: IFDB
    • Room count: 3
    • Download from the author's website.




Countdown series by Ben Croshaw
Countdown 1 - the Body
Countdown 2 - the Soul
Countdown 3 - the Mind