From IFWiki
Author Credits
- Give Me Your Lunch Money (04-Oct-2009; ADRIFT 4).
- Big City Laundry (20-Apr-2010; ADRIFT). March Writing Spiel.
- Pete's Punkin Junkinator (31-Oct-2010; ADRIFT 4). Ectocomp 2010: 1st place.
- Mangiasaur (24-Apr-2011; ADRIFT 4). The Challenge: 1st place. XYZZY Awards 2011: Finalist, Best Individual PC.
- Ignis Fatuus (31-Oct-2011; ADRIFT). Ectocomp 2011: 4th place.
- Ambassador to Dupal (02-Feb-2012; ADRIFT 5). January Flash Compilation 2012: participant.
- Beythilda the Night Witch (30-Oct-2012; ADRIFT). Ectocomp 2012: 5th place.