Electronic Literature Organization
From IFWiki
The Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to promote electronic literature. Electronic literature includes not just interactive fiction, but also other types of works such as hypertext poetry, chatterbots, novels presented as blogs or emails, art exhibits on the web with literary content, and so on.
- Electronic Literature Collection Volume One was published by the Electronic Literature Organization in October 2006. This collection is both a web and a CD-ROM publication, and contains many electronic literary works, including a few works of IF: All Roads, Bad Machine, Galatea, Savoir-Faire, and Whom the Telling Changed. Visit the collection's homepage for complete information.
- Electronic Literature Collection Volume Two was published in February 2011. The IF works included in this collection are Book and Volume, Everybody Dies, and Façade. Visit the collection's homepage for complete information.
- Electronic Literature Organization. Homepage.