Encounter 1 : Tim's Mom

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Porn / Erotica
Porn / Erotica
Encounter 1 : Tim's Mom
Encounter 1 small cover.png
Author(s) Christopher Cole
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 2002
Authoring system ADRIFT 3.9
Platform(s) ADRIFT 3.9
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Merciful

How It Begins

You play as a fifteen years old boy, its summer vacation and Tim (your best friend) and his dad are going on a week-long fishing trip. Tim's Mom, Rochelle, called you over to cut their lawn. Being a good friend, you would cut the lawn no matter what, but seeing as you also have always been attracted to Tim's Mom, you figure that you can also spend some time oogling her and that without worrying about bugging Tim.

Warning: this game should be played by people over 18 years old (or 21, depending on where you live) since it contains sexual acts.

Notable Features

This game is part of the 4-Part Encounter series by Christopher Cole. Encounter 1 has little to no puzzles, which is something i appreciate since i suck at puzzles. overall another great game done by Chris, well written and enjoyable.


Version TBD

There is also cover art available on the author's site: front and back.


General Info



Encounter series by Christopher Cole
Encounter 1 : Tim's Mom (2002)
Encounter 2 : The Study Group (2002)
Encounter 3 : Lynn's Sleepover (2002)
Encounter 4 : Mrs. Parker (2003)