I7 index
From IFWiki
- NOTE: The index on this page is out of date. Please use the official General Index. (Previously there was also Andrew Plotkin's Inform 7: An Unofficial Documentation Index.)
About this index
Built from this list compiled by Sean Barrett a.k.a. nothings. Sorted and wikified by David Welbourn. Caveat: only covers chapters 2 to 8, 10 to 12.
- numbers indicate sections; text between section numbers describe index entries for that section
- "foo, bar" means that "bar" should be part of a sub-index for "foo"; if foo has only one sub-index entry, Just do it in comma format, otherwise, make an indented listing?
- "foo/bar" means "foo/bar" should be the actual text part of the index entry
- "foo / bar" means "foo" and "bar" are conceptually two separate entries, although if they are a subindex entry and the index entry has few sub-entries, they may not be worth splitting
- "see also bar" means it should keep its own entry but also cross-reference the "see also" target
- "Inform 6 equivalent" is used to isolate together all the things that are Inform 6 and not Inform 7, but it might still be useful to spread them throughout the index instead of concentrating them?
- "BUG" denotes things that might be or definitely are bugs in the docs
- abbreviated room descriptions §2.14
- abbreviations:
- accented letters → see characters
- "access", "deny"/"allow" §11.15
- "action" §11.7
- action, out of world §11.13
- rule limitations §11.17
- "action out of world" §11.13
- ACTIONS §11.5
- actions:
- as conditions §8.13
- "check" rules for other people §11.11
- defining new §11.7
- guidelines for rules §11.17
- instructing other people §11.3
- introduction §6.3
- new kinds §6.17
- overview §11.1
- performing actions as if typed by the player §11.6
- performing with "try" §6.6
- processing sequence §11.2
- reaching inside rules §11.14
- referring to current action with "action" §11.7
- "report" rules for other people §11.12
- rules for all but some §6.11
- rules for consecutive repetitions §6.19
- rules for found in rulebooks §11.2
- rules for multiple §6.10
- rules for new actions §11.9
- rules for other people §11.10
- rules for repetitions §6.18
- spontaneous by other people §11.6
- "stop the action" / "continue the action" §6.5
- suppressing success messages with "try silently" §6.6
- using After rules to change output §6.7
- using Before rules to test or change outcomes first §6.5
- using Instead rules to change outcome §6.4
- "adjacent" §5.7
- arbitrary relations §12.12
- adjectives §5.3
- "after" §6.7
- after, see also rules §6.7
- "all" §5.8
- "all except" §5.9
- "allow access" §11.15
- "always" §4.2
- "animal" §3.16
- animals, rideable §3.15
- "another" §12.6
- "anybody" §5.2
- "anyone" §5.2
- "anything" §5.2
- "anywhere" §5.2
- "appearance", "initial" §7.5
- appearance → see description
- articles §3.17
- displaying / capitalizing §6.12
- ASK §6.8
- "asking" §11.3
- assemblies §4.5
- assertions §2.1, §3.1
- plural §4.3
- "at least" §5.9
- author §2.5
- "award" §8.2
- "back side" §3.12
- backdrops §3.9
- "before" §6.5
- before, see also rules §6.5
- "begin", in phrases §10.7
- "begins", "when play" §7.2
- "best route" §5.7
- arbitrary relations §12.12
- book §2.5
- books, consulting §6.8
- "boxed quotation", "display" §8.4
- breaks:
- brief room descriptions §2.14
- BUG: "+", not introduced until 13.2 (claims "at the start of this chapter") §10.15
- BUG: "now" - using "now" before it's defined in 7.10 §7.7
- "by" §6.16
- calculation, addition §10.15
- calculation, incrementing §10.15
- "called" §3.2, §7.13
- in relation definitions §12.5
- "carried by" §7.11
- "carry out" §11.2, §11.9
- guidelines for use §11.17
- "carrying" §7.11
- carrying §3.19
- "carrying capacity" §3.18
- carrying capacity, avoid overflowing player's using a hold-all §3.20
- "chance" §7.16
- "change" §7.1
- changing:
- chapter §2.5
- characters:
- "check" §11.2, §11.9
- code, omitting from release version §2.9
- comma, displaying serial §2.14
- command prompt, changing §7.2
- commands, out of world §11.13
- comments §2.3
- comparing, equality/identity §10.5
- comparisons, counting §5.9
- components §3.21
- for kinds §4.5
- "conceal" §12.4
- "concealed", see also hiding §3.22
- "condition" §4.16
- conditions:
- connections §3.2
- CONSULT §6.8
- container §3.5
- carrying capacity §3.18
- "contained in" §7.11
- containment, indirect §3.23
- containment hierarchy, low-level interface §7.15
- "contains" §7.11
- contents §2.6
- "continue the action" §6.5
- counted loops §10.9
- counting §5.9
- things §7.14
- counts, creating things with §4.4
- creating:
- "dark" §5.6
- dark, "in darkness" condition §10.4
- darkness, rules to change perception of §11.16
- "death" §8.5
- debugging commands:
- debugging, writing test code §2.9
- "decide", yes/no §10.13
- "decide on", arbitrary kinds §10.14
- default, properties §4.2
- definite articles §3.17
- "Definition" §10.13, §5.4
- deleting, things with "remove" §7.9
- "deny access" §11.15
- "description" §3.10, §3.11
- descriptions:
- determiners §5.8
- "device" §3.14
- direction §3.5
- directions §3.2
- disabling scoring §2.14
- disabling undo §2.14
- disambiguation:
- "display the boxed quotation" §8.4
- displaying:
- distance, measuring with "number of moves" §5.7
- "doing anything" §6.11
- "doing it" §6.19
- "doing something" §6.11
- doors §3.12
- double-quotes, displaying §2.3
- duplicates §4.4
- "each" §5.8
- "each other" §12.6
- "else" §10.8
- "enclosed" §3.25
- "enclosure" §3.25
- "end", in phrases §10.7
- "[end if]" §4.11
- "end the game" §8.5
- English:
- enumerations → see kinds, enumerated values
- events, in the the future §8.12
- "every" §5.8
- "every turn" §8.6
- "exactly" §5.9, §8.16
- "except" §5.9
- extensions:
- "fails", persuasion §11.4
- failure, for actions §6.3
- "first thing held by" §7.15
- "fixed in place" §3.6
- fixed-letter spacing §4.13
- fonts, fixed-width / variable-width §4.13
- fonts, italic / roman §4.13
- "from" §3.2
- "front side" §3.12
- full-length room descriptions §2.14
- future events §8.12
- generalities §5.8
- "going" §6.15
- going:
- "going by" §6.16
- "going through" §6.16
- "going with" §6.16
- "groups", relations "in" §12.7
- "had been" §8.14
- "has been" §8.14
- headings §2.5
- why §2.6
- hiding, things from room descriptions by making them scenery §3.8
- historical conditions §8.14
- hold-all §3.20
- "holder of" §7.15
- "[if]" §4.11
- "if" §10.5, §10.8
- immobile things:
- "in" §7.11
- "in darkness" §10.4
- "in groups" §12.7
- "in the presence of" §6.14
- "in words" §4.9
- indefinite articles §3.17
- index, contents §2.6
- indirect containment §3.23
- Inform 6 equivalents:
- "box" §8.4
- classes §4.1
- code blocks §10.7
- "concealed", note about §10.11
- daemons §8.6
- "each_turn" §8.6
- functions §10.2
- functions with optional parameters §10.11
- functions with parameters §10.3
- local variables §10.12
- meta §11.13
- methods §10.16
- objectloop §10.10
- "return" §10.14
- "rtrue"/"rfalse" §10.13
- scope rules §11.14
- statements §10.1
- "switchable" §3.14
- synonyms §11.7
- "transparent" §3.21
- verbs §11.7
- "YesOrNo" §10.4
- ????????????? i forget §8.12
- "initial appearance" §7.5
- initial appearance §3.11
- initializing:
- "inside" §7.11
- "instead" §6.4, §6.5
- "instead", guidelines for use §11.17
- instead, see also rules §6.4
- instructing, other people §11.3
- "insufficient light" §11.16
- "inventory listing" §3.11
- "invisible" §5.6
- italics §4.13
- kinds §3.5
- actions §6.17
- animal §3.16
- backdrops §3.9
- container §3.5
- creating new §4.1
- default properties §4.2
- definition of §4.1
- devices §3.14
- direction §3.5
- distinguished from properties §4.1
- doors §3.12
- enumerated values §4.14, §4.15
- enumerated values for single thing §4.16
- man §3.16
- new value kinds §4.15
- new value kinds for sing thing §4.16
- person §3.16
- room §3.5
- supporter §3.5
- thing §3.5
- values §4.14
- vehicles §3.15
- woman §3.16
- "less than" §5.9
- letters → see characters
- lexicon §5.10
- light, rules to override sufficiency of §11.16
- limits §2.15
- English understanding §2.16
- line breaks → see breaks
- "listening" §6.9
- lists §4.10
- "location" §3.23
- location
- "lockable" §3.13
- locks, properties §3.13
- loops
- losing §8.5
- "man" §3.16
- map §3.2
- "matching key" §3.3
- memory limits §2.15
- monospaced §4.13
- "more than" §5.9
- "move" §7.7
- the player §7.8
- "name", "printed" §7.5
- names, for things named generally §7.13
- natural language §2.16
- "nearest" §8.9
- "never" §4.2
- "next step" §12.12
- "next thing held after" §7.15
- NO, querying yes/no §10.4
- non-existence, starting things out of play §3.23
- "noun" §6.12
- "now" §7.10
- for relations §12.10
- "nowhere" §6.15
- npc, giving instructions to §11.3
- "number" §4.7
- "number of" §7.14
- "number of steps" §12.12
- object loops §10.10
- objects:
- omitting code, for release version §2.9
- "on" §7.11
- "on top of" §7.11
- "only" §8.16
- "open" / "closed" §3.6
- "openable" §3.6
- options §2.14
- for phrases §10.11
- other people → see npc
- "[otherwise]" §4.11
- "otherwise" §10.8
- "out of world" §11.13
- outline §2.6
- paragraph breaks → see breaks
- parsing §11.7
- part §2.5
- "part of" §3.21, §7.11
- past tense §8.13
- pathfinding §5.7
- arbitrary relations §12.12
- pattern matching, phrase definitions §10.3
- people, see also npc §11.3
- perfect tense §8.13
- "person" §3.16
- person, see also npc §11.3
- "person reaching" §11.15
- "persuasion" §11.4
- phrase options §10.11
- phrasebook §10.2
- phrases:
- places → see rooms
- "play begins", "when" §7.2
- "play ends" §8.5
- player, changing location of §7.8
- "player consents" §10.4
- player's hold-all §3.20
- "player's surroundings" §7.3
- "plural" §4.3
- plurals, displaying §4.9
- "points", "award" §8.2
- "portable" §3.7
- possessions §3.19
- hold-all §3.20
- precedence of multiple phrase definitions §10.16
- prepositions, defining §12.11
- "presence" §6.14
- "printed name" §7.5
- printing, with "say" §6.2
- "printing a room description", "without" §7.8
- "printing the name of" §16.9
- prompt, changing §7.2
- pronouns §3.16
- proper names §3.17
- properties:
- "property" §4.7
- property, shorthand name for §7.6
- proportional spacing §4.13
- punctuation §2.3
- "pushable between rooms" §3.15
- pushing, rules for §6.16
- pushing objects §3.15
- "random" §7.16, §7.17
- random:
- "random-number generator", "seed" §7.16
- rankings, table by scores §8.3
- "reach inside" §11.14
- "reach outside" §11.14
- reachability, rules for changing §11.15
- reciprocal relations §12.6
- regions §3.4
- "relates" §12.5, §12.13
- relations:
- changing with "now" §12.10
- defining new §12.5
- defining prepositions for§12.11
- defining sentence verbs for §12.9
- difference from sentence verbs §12.3
- expressing conditions §12.13
- expressing conditions involving values §12.14
- groups §12.7
- guide to usage §12.15
- in groups §12.7
- indirect§12.12
- initializing §12.10
- involving values §12.14
- overview §12.3
- predefined:
- reciprocal §12.6
- relationship to sentence verbs §12.8
- used in sentences §12.1
- release version §2.9
- "remove", "from play" §7.9
- "repeat" §10.9
- "running through" §10.10
- "repeatedly" §10.6
- "report" §11.2, §11.9
- reversed ("nouns revered") §15.2
- "requires" §11.7
- rideable, vehicle / animal §3.15
- "[roman type]" §4.13
- room §3.5
- rooms:
- "rule" §11.14
- "rule for" §11.15
- rulebooks:
- rules:
- "report" for other people §11.12
- abbreviating actions with "doing it" §6.19
- access to things referred to in actions §11.14
- actions referred to in §8.13
- After §6.7
- applying to all but some actions §6.11
- applying to multiple actions §6.10
- arbitrary conditions for using "when" §6.14
- at end of game §8.5
- at start of game §8.1
- Before §6.5
- changing reachability §11.15
- changing visibility §11.16
- "check" for other people §11.11
- counting times for §8.15
- counting turns for §8.16
- create new action kinds to reduce redundancy §6.17
- every turn §8.6
- for actions found in rulebooks §11.2
- for going by vehicles §6.16
- for going through doors §6.16
- for new actions §11.9
- for new actions for other people §11.10
- for pushing objects to other rooms §6.16
- for senses §6.9
- guidelines for actions §11.17
- implicit constraint to player for actions §11.10
- Instead §6.4
- introduction §6.4
- limiting to rooms and regions §6.13
- limiting to when characters are present §6.14
- making / creating §2.2
- past tense §8.13, §8.14
- persuasion rules for asking people §11.4
- reaching inside §11.14
- repeated actions §6.18
- repeated actions consecutively §6.19
- special rules for "going" §6.15
- unsuccessful attempts by other people §11.5
- "running through" §10.10
- "[s]" §4.9
- "say" §6.2
- "scenery" §3.8
- scenery, see also backdrops §3.9
- scenes §9.1, §9.2, §9.3, §9.4, §9.5, §9.6, §9.7, §9.8
- "score" §8.2
- score:
- screen top §7.3
- scripts, creating with TEST command §2.8
- "second noun" §6.12
- section §2.5
- "seed", "random-number generator" §7.16
- "seldom" §4.2
- senses §6.9
- sentence verbs §12.10
- shorthand → see abbreviations
- SHOWME §2.7
- siblings, in containment hierarchy §7.15
- silent, exceptions for silence for actions by other people §11.12
- "silently" §6.6
- "smelling" §6.9
- "somebody" §5.2
- "someone" §5.2
- "something" §5.2
- "somewhere" §5.2
- source, subdivisions §2.5
- source code, ordering requirements for kinds §4.1
- starting condition §2.1, §3.1
- relations §12.10
- status line §7.3
- "steps" §12.12
- "stop the action" §6.5
- subheadings §2.5
- "succeeds", persuasion §11.4
- success, for actions §6.3
- "sufficient light" §11.16
- "supported by" §7.11
- supporters §3.5
- "supporting" §7.11
- "surroundings", "player's" §7.3
- switching, on/off §3.14
- symbols → see characters
- synonyms §11.7
- tables:
- "tasting" §6.9
- TELL §6.8
- temporary variables §10.12
- tense, present/past/perfect §8.13
- TEST §2.8
- text lists §4.10
- text substitutions §3.14
- "then" §10.5
- thing §3.5
- thing, referring to unknown things in rules §6.12
- things:
- changing location of §7.7
- changing location of player §7.8
- changing multiples with "now" §7.10
- checking general location §7.12
- checking specific location §7.11
- counting §7.14
- creating multiple identical things with counts §4.4
- immobile as "fixed" §3.6
- immobile as "scenery" §3.8
- immobile because they're supporters §3.7
- in more than one room §3.9
- limiting action definitions to particular types of §11.7
- location of §3.23
- parts of §3.21
- references to §5.1
- removing from play §7.9
- starting out of play §3.23
- "through" §6.16
- "time":
- time:
- "time of day" §8.7, §8.8
- title §2.5
- "to" §10.2
- "to decide":
- "to the nearest" §8.9
- "to try" §11.3
- "touchable" §5.6
- "touching" §6.9
- "transparent" / "opaque" §3.6
- "try" §6.6
- "try silently", place in processing sequence §11.2
- turning, on/off §3.14
- "turns":
- turns:
- typechecking §7.1, §7.4, §10.15
- "understand" §11.7, §11.8
- understanding, arbitrary text for conversations and consulting §6.8
- undo, disabling §2.14
- "unsuccessful attempt" §11.5
- "untouchable" §5.6
- "use" §2.14
- "using doors" §5.7
- "usually" §4.2
- values:
- variable §4.17
- variable letter spacing §4.13
- variables:
- "varies" §7.1
- "various" §12.5
- "vehicles" §3.15
- verbose room descriptions §2.14
- verbs, defining new sentence verbs §12.9
- verbs, sentence → see sentence verbs
- "via" §12.12
- "victory" §8.5
- "visible" §5.6
- visibility, rules for determining darkness §11.16
- volume §2.5
- "was" §8.14
- wearing, "wear" / "wearable" / "wearing" §3.19
- "when play begins" §7.2, §8.1
- "when play ends" §8.5
- "when" §6.14
- whereabouts, checking §7.11
- "while" §10.6
- winning §8.5
- "with" §6.16
- "within" §7.11
- "without printing a room description" §7.8
- "which" §5.5
- "who" §5.5
- "woman" §3.16
- "worn" §7.7