John Menichelli
From IFWiki
Author Credits
- Reverzi (1999; Z-code).
- Not Just A Game (2000; Z-code).
Porting Credits
- Hugo Zork: The Great Underground Empire (porter: John Menichelli; 1997; Hugo). Hugo port of Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (Marc Blank and Dave Lebling, publisher: Infocom; 1980; Z-code).
- Super Z Trek (porter: John Menichelli; 2000; Z-code). Inform port of Super Z Trek (porter: Chris Nystrom; C), which was a C port of Super Z Trek (author: Mike Mayfield, post-release contributor: Bob Leedom, publisher: Dave Ahl; BASIC).
Review and Article Credits
- Contributor to The Non-Comp Review Project 2004: wrote reviews (archive) of 7 games by Paul Allen Panks.
Testing Credits
- Inevitable (Kathleen M. Fischer; 2003; Z-code 5).
- John Menichelli (archived) - at Baf's Guide.