Klockwerk: The Shadow in the Cathedral

From IFWiki

Genre wanted
Five white ribbons.png
XYZZY Awards 2009
Finalist - Best Game, Best Writing, Best Story, Best Setting, Best Use of Medium
Klockwerk: The Shadow in the Cathedral
Author(s) Ian Finley and Jon Ingold
Publisher(s) Textfyre
Release date(s) 06-Nov-2009
Authoring system Inform 7
Platform(s) FyreVM, Glulx
Language(s) English
License(s) Commercial
Color effects TBD
Graphics yes
Sound/Music TBD
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

You are Wren, 2nd Assistant Clock Polisher in a Newton worshiping world. Everything is gears and clocks. After overhearing a very strange conversation, you're swept up in a massive conspiracy.

Notable Features

  • Published with hints and maps
  • First person



  • Klockwerk: The Shadow in the Cathedral (designer: Ian Finley, designer/writer: Jon Ingold, publisher: Textfyre; 06-Nov-2009; FyreVM).
    • XYZZY Awards 2009: Finalist in five categories: Best Game, Best Writing, Best Story, Best Setting, and Best Use of Medium.
    • Glulx and Electron downloads at Itch.io.


General info


Klockwerk series by Textfyre
Klockwerk: The Shadow in the Cathedral (2009)
Klockwerk: The Castle by the Sea
Klockwerk: untitled (episode III)