La Comp Más Monstruosa

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La Comp Más Monstruosa
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Most Monstrous Comp

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The objective of the Most Monstrous Comp was to encourage the creation of interactive stories that enrich the stock of our community by providing themes poorly treated so far, by the way of the story itself and its proper ambiance, along with documentation that may be provided with the story.

The comp thus encouraged participants to generate quality stories that add value not only to our community but stories that are significant in their overall culture.

Any genre was valid, from science fiction to humorous or crime novel, but the argument of the story should contain a monster. This monster must not be original, but instead it should be extracted from a popular tradition, literary series or film saga.

It was deemed that a monster is any entity, smart or not, with their own free will in the context of history has its own objectives and that at some fundamental aspect is non-human.

Moreover, one of the categories of prizes was reserved for the discovery of local and surprising monsters, so it was recommended to the authors to first locate the most interesting and surprising monsters of their local traditions (in Spain, for example, there is great tradition of Lamias, ej: the Tragant in Cazorla).

The organizer of this comp was Mel Hython.


Receiving works was opened on September 1, 2008 and closed on October 15, 2008. The works were exhibited to the public since its receipt, but will not start the period until the day of voting on October 17, 2008. The voting period lasted until the November 15, 2008.


Note: All games are in Spanish.


The winner of the comp (best overall score) was Ofrenda a la Pincoya (Incanus; Z-code). Games were also judged in four categories: (popular voting)

  • "Most Monstrous story": most novel and surprising monster presentation (regardless of the monster's novelty per se) prize
