List of blogs
From IFWiki
Aggregated blogs
- Planet IF (link, rss), maintained by Christopher Armstrong.
- "Planet IF is a place where blog posts about Interactive Fiction from various people are collected."
Blogs by groups and organizations
Note: Most of the group blogs listed below are about computer games in general and only occasionally post about IF.
- Caltrops (link, rss, "interactive fiction").
- "Caltrops is a web site about videogames. It was founded in the western United States in 2002 by Entropy Stew, a programmer, Fussbett Sanitario, an artist, and Senor Barborito, a man of varied talents."
- CASA: The Classic Adventures Solution Archive (link).
- "The site covers all 8-bit and 16-bit formats, and the entire range of games from the earliest titles to modern Interactive Fiction, with emphasis on older titles."
- Grand Text Auto (link).
- "A group blog about computer narrative, games, poetry, and art."
- Play This Thing! - link (archive), "interactive fiction" (archive).
Blogs by individuals
- ADRIFT News (link) by Campbell Wild.
- Amethyst Games (link) by Amy Kerns.
- Apple II Adventures (link). by JJ Sonick.
- "Exploring games, music and programming on the 8-bit Apple II computers."
- Brass Lantern (link) by Stephen Granade.
- "[Brass Lantern's] goals were threefold: 1. Act as a repository for writings about adventure games [...] 2. Make available to readers the latest news and goings-on in the community. 3. Maintain a reduced collection of links to other adventure game resources"
- DB's Blog (link, "interactive fiction" by Duncan Bowsman.
- "Games, writing, general geekery."
- Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online (link) by Matthew.
- "The Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online website is designed to be a comprehensive information source and archive for Eamon adventures. This blog consists of both news about Eamon and my random thoughts about Eamon and the Eamon website."
- Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling (link) by Emily Short.
- "Essays and reviews on narrative in games and new media"
- Farming the Apocalypse (link) by Gravel.
- "Design and documentation journal for my interactive fiction (text games); also reviews and other miscellaneous stuff."
- Forty Two Hooks (link, rss) by Leandro Ribeiro.
- "My Interactive Fiction Side"
- The Gameshelf (link, rss) by Jason McIntosh.
- "Independent Game Criticism and other interesting stuff"
- The Gaming Philosopher (link) by Victor Gijsbers.
- "Musings on the theory and practice of roleplaying games and interactive fiction. Feel free to muse along!"
- Glimmr (link) by Erik Temple.
- "Advanced graphics for Inform 7"
- Horace Torys (link).
- This blog was active from June 2010 to April 2011 and is now on indefinite hiatus.
- In the Company of Grues (link).
- "One person's journey through the world of interactive fiction."
- inky has a blog (link) by Dan Shiovitz.
- Jolt Country (link, rss) by Robb Sherwin as "Ice Cream Jonsey".
- Key & Compass Blog (link) by David Welbourn.
- Ludus Novus (link, rss) by Gregory Weir.
- "Ludus Novus is a podcast and accompanying blog dedicated to interactive art, including interactive fiction, digital games, and roleplaying."
- Pissy Little Sausages (link, rss) by Jenni Polodna.
- "Interactive fiction reviews, general vitriol"
- Renga in Blue (link, rss) by Jason Dyer.
- Sarah Morayati ("interactive fiction") by Sarah Morayati.
- "journalism, interactive fiction, various and sundry things"
- The Textfyre Times (link) by David Cornelson.
- "Notes from the President of Textfyre, Inc."
- >TILT AT WINDMILLS (link, rss) by Aaron A. Reed.
- "Thoughts about interactive fiction and news about the interactive work of Aaron A. Reed."
- Twisted Radix (link, "interactive fiction") by Christopher Armstrong.
- "Tales of a programming hobo"
- Undo Restart Restore (link, rss) by Juhana Leinonen.
- "Interactive Fiction theory and design"
This article is a stub. You can help IFWiki by expanding it.
TODO: There are far more blogs than this original list suggests.
And a short description of a blog's usual focus, per blog, would be nice.
TODO: There are far more blogs than this original list suggests.
And a short description of a blog's usual focus, per blog, would be nice.