Prizes at IF Comp

From IFWiki

The Annual IF Competition
Browse by Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Platforms ADRIFTAlanGlulxHugoTADS 2TADS 3TwineZ-CodeOther
Features Golden Banana of DiscordMiss CongenialityRising StarNon-EnglishPrizesStatisticsT-shirtsTwo hour rule
See also CompXXIF Comp works
A Mesopotamian-style cylinder seal created by Daniel Stelzer as a prize for IFComp 2023. The seal shows a Hittite translation of "That's not a verb I recognize."
A Mesopotamian-style cylinder seal created by Daniel Stelzer as a prize for IFComp 2023. The seal shows a Hittite translation of "You can't go that way."
A Mesopotamian-style cylinder seal created by Daniel Stelzer as a prize for IFComp 2023. The seal shows a Hittite translation of "You can't see any such thing."


Prizes have been awarded for every year's Annual Interactive Fiction Competition since it began in 1995. Prizes may be almost anything within reason, and have included cash, gift certificates, games, toys, clothing, books, magazine subscriptions, and more.

Anyone, including the comp organizers and authors, may donate prizes to IF Comp (see the Prizes page). Prize donators must contact the comp organizer before the comp ends (and one assumes, preferably earlier than that). The donator keeps the prize until the competition ends and winners have been announced. Donators are contacted by the comp organizer, informing them to whom and to where to send their prizes.

Authors of IF Comp games choose from the available prize list in the order in which they placed. In other words, the 1st place winner gets first choice of prize, then the 2nd place winner gets to choose, and so on. Authors may, of course, choose not to take a prize. If there are sufficient prizes, it's possible for even the author who places last to get a prize. Unchosen prizes are, of course, kept by the respective donators.

Some prizes, such as the Golden Banana of Discord, are not part of the general prize list, but are awarded instead based on criteria set by the donator.

Prize Lists

These prize lists are hosted on the IF Comp site, Unfortunately, full prize information is not available for every year.

Year Prize List Prizes Chosen
1998 prize list (archive)

1999 prize list (archive)

2000 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2001 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2002 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2003 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2004 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2005 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2006 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2007 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2008 prize list (archive) prizes chosen (archive)
2009 prize list (archive)
Since 2009 prize list