
From IFWiki

Author(s) The Dominant Species
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 07-Jul-2006
Authoring system ADRIFT 4
Platform(s) ADRIFT 4
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music optional
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

The game begins with a menu with eleven options, promising all sorts of information and help, but it soon becomes obvious that the menu is just a big façade with no real information behind the options. Option 1 begins the game proper.

There are quotes by Robert Burton and William Shakespeare on the topic of murder.

Then there's a title page, proclaiming that you are the PROFFESSIONAL [sic], and that the author doesn't make games; he makes art.

You, a hitman, are carrying a gun in a room belonging to the guy you're supposed to kill. There's a desk, window, and painting. Since the guy isn't here yet, you suppose you'll look at his stuff.


Release 1 contains the following files:

  • Development Diary.txt.
  • LATIN_.MID - Optional music file; playing time 25 seconds.
  • Professional.pdf - PDF file which contains the text of both walkthroughs and the development diary. There is also a short uninformative interview (but very in the spirit of the game) of The Dominant Species by Mike Morelandhound in February 30, 2006.
  • Professional.taf - The story file.
  • TECHNO.MID - Optional music file; playing time 37 seconds.
  • walkthrough_full.txt - Walkthrough as a full transcript.
  • walkthrough_short.txt - Walkthrough with just the necessary commands.