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ADRIFT Three Hour Comp
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This is for the ADRIFT Hourglass Comp 2006 page content (not the infobox).
'''The Hourglass Competition''', a.k.a. the 3rd Three Hour Games Competition, is a [[minicomp]] for new [[ADRIFT]] games written in three hours or less. Original voting deadline: 26th August 2006 and was extended to 31st August 2006. Organizer: [[Woodfish]]. ==Hourglass Comp== ''Note: Every entry was written in ADRIFT 4.00.'' * ''1) [[The Long Barrow]]'' ([[Christy Henshaw]] as C. Henshaw). * ''2) [[Quest for Food]]'' ([[Lumin]]). * ''3) [[Herr Doktor von Nördlingendinkelsbühlhündchen-am-Rhein]]'' ([[Mad Monk]]). * ''3) [[3 Minutes to Live]]'' ([[Ren]]). * ''5) [[Smote]]'' ([[Robert Street]]). * ''6) [[Dancing Even Him?]]'' ([[Richard Otter]]). * ''7) [[Boiled Eggs]]'' ([[Anna Fruen]]). * ''8) [[Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure]]'' ([[David Whyld]]). * ''9) [[Rolling the Dough]]'' ([[Richard Otter]]). * ''10) [[The Road Leads to Nowhere]]'' ([[The Dominant Species]] a.k.a. TDS). * ''11) [[Over the Edge]]'' ([[Ren]]). * ''12) [[The Skydiver]]'' ([[Fenris]] a.k.a. The Fenris Wolf). * ''13) [[Pilfers]]'' ([[Daniel Budle]]). ==Rules== * Games must be made in three hours or less, this is the challenge and focus of the competition. Brief paper/mental planning is allowed, but the game making itself must be done in three hours. * Entries must be made with ADRIFT v3.9 or ADRIFT v4. * Games must be original work. * A limit of three entries per author. * All entries to be sent to woodfish5 [~AT~] * The deadline for entries is the 7th August 2006 (deadline extended from 5th). * Any problems or questions, ask in the announcement thread or email Woodfish at the above address. * ... plus, this time the competition has the added bonus of a mystery prize and certificate for the winner (provided they're in the UK)! ==Links== * [ ADRIFT Hourglass Comp 2006] - Download the competition entries from [[Delron]]. * {{ifdb comp|ADRIFT Hourglass Comp 2006|pqf1vuakyz0a52c3}}. * {{ifarchive unbox|games/mini-comps/adrift/|}}. * [[ADRIFT Competitions]] ==Broken Links== * [;f=1;t=5450;&#top The Hourglass Competition] - announcement on the ADRIFT Forums, July 22nd, 2006. * [ Download the games] from the ADRIFT site. [[Category:ADRIFT Competitions|Hourglass Comp 2006]] [[Category:2006]]